Friday, April 30, 2010

Hope deferred

So this last month or so has been one of most trying and difficult for me in regard to the suspense created from my incompleted stay paper situation. At the moment, with three weeks to the day which I am supposed to be leaving for a short vacation to the states, the invaluable necessary piece to get back into Suriname(whatever it is exactly: a stamp, a slip, a signature) is absent. Since discovering in March of last year after Me and Taylor's first extended stay that when we arrived in Suriname on January 6th we were given (unknown to us and apparently the IMB personnel who worked on our visa situation)a two month stay and were expected to go back to the states and then return. The country of Suriname had inacted a new Law sometime in the fall before we came.

Well, going back to the states was the last option we hoped to have to take. So with a few key connections in the city we were able to contact a man who would help us in so that we would not have to go the U.S. We began working on fixing the papers to go to the country of Guyana to spend a short time with another IMB couple that same month. As you can guess, with only a matter of days before we were suppposed to go, that planned trip had to be cancelled.

With an approaching regional prayer retreat planned in June we spent a good three weeks working with our Suriname connection "Kirk". We turned in every required document, had every Passport, birth certificate etc and were searching for what seemed the most simple of documents: some official receipt showing our paperwork was submitted and would allow us entry back into the country. Well, working with Kirk as we discovered was far from simple. As the day to leave neared we couldn't get a hold of him to save our lives and did not know until a day before we left if we would actually be leaving. Well..we went and came back without encountering any problems -no thanks to Kirk.

In October one of my best friends Chris asked me if I would be in his wedding party. I was honored by the proposal and after prayer decided in December I would be heading back to CA in May. I bought a $1,200 ticket from Paramaribo to San Francisco (a ticket to SAC was almost twice as much!) in early January. My supervisor brought to my attention the need to get my incomplete stay paper situation squared away. No need to worry right? I've got over five months. To make a long story short, two weeks ago I was back at square one...and working things out with Kirk again.

Nearly a year later and I'm still seeking the evasive piece that will allow me back into Suriname legally. This past week had be calling Kirk nearly everyday and him postponing and deferring my requests for every reason possible. Needless to say, I've had to fight the threat of constant anxiety, suspense, discouragment and despair.

Despite what seems to be a pretty bleak scenario, I have not lost heart or given up. I feel the Lord wants me to go and I know if it is his will I will be leaving on May 21. Philippians 4 has been the comfort God has given me: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which passes all undestanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." I've taken solace in these words and put everything in the Lord's hands with complete peace...oh yeah and I am hoping and praying it works out! If you happen to read this blog before I post a verdict as soon as I know then pray with me for this situation.

In Proverbs it says: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."

Hoping to get a little from that tree.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

We are praying that the Lord would make everything work out so you can come home and then return to finish your work. We serve an awesome GOD!